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First of all we would like to thank you for visiting TheSunCrosswordAnswers.co.uk. We are a group of friends with a great passion for crosswords and puzzles. We have decided to post on this site both The Sun Cryptic Crossword Puzzle & The Sun Coffee Time Crossword Puzzle. You can use the search functionality to search for a specific crossword clue or you can click directly on any of the daily crossword clues found below. By clicking on the image to the right you will be redirected directly to the game itsself where you can start solving the daily puzzle.
28 March 2025
Those with old school ties? Unflappable fan Demanding sutures with no twists Virtuous sort sat around at home Doddery uncle getting on eats hospital meal Level playing field Fabric from Dutch in Oldenburg Animal 2-Speed solvers heard? Poetry from Lear: rubbish Clubs held by United previously Clever start to a Napoleonic palindrome? Writer's block Doctor saves nothing on average Ally hiding Guevara's weapon Drink has strangely thin base Dicky Antoine a privileged pupil Old Pope died away from South African port Shakespearean king with Aussie academic Garment superior to everything else? Go without food like cheetah? View AllGet the The Sun Crossword Answers straight into your inbox absolutely FREE!